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Steak Burgers – The Owton’s Way
At Owton’s, our burgers are produced using state-of-the-art equipment and meat from higher welfare animals. With a history of award-winning burgers, our butchers know how to make a burger that is perfect for barbecuing or grilling.
The animals used in our burgers are fed a varied and nutritious diet, leading to a better life on our farms. The result? Steak Burgers that tastes exactly how they should. The Owton’s way!
Wondering What To Do With Steak Burgers?

Skinny Pig Sausages – Packed Full of Flavour
At Owton’s, our sausages are produced using state-of-the-art equipment and meat from higher welfare animals. With a history of award-winning sausages, our butchers know how to make a sausage that is perfect for barbecuing, frying or baking.
The animals used in our sausages are fed a varied and nutritious diet, leading to a better life on our farms. The result? Skinny Pig Sausages that tastes exactly how they should. The Owton’s way!