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5 Ways to Use Up Leftover Pumpkin

After Halloween, many families across the country are left with more pumpkins than they know what to do with! And while pumpkin pie is always a welcome treat, sometimes you just need something a little different. Here are 5 ideas for delicious autumnal treats that will help you use up that leftover pumpkin.

Pumpkin Pancakes

Start your day with a tasty twist on the classic pancakes by adding some pumpkin puree to the batter. Simply liquidise the pumpkin flesh in a food processor and add it to the batter. Stir well, then cook in the usual way. This will result in a thicker, American style pancake which is irresistibly fluffy and delicious. Top with maple syrup and Enjoy!

Pumpkin Pasta Sauce

Give your ordinary spaghetti sauce a seasonal makeover by stirring in some pumpkin puree. Again, simply liquidise the pumpkin flesh and stir into your favourite sauce recipe (just make sure it’s tomato based). This sauce is sure to please even the pickiest eaters.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Don’t throw away those seeds! Roast them in the oven with a little olive oil and salt for a healthy snack that’s perfect for satisfying those mid-afternoon cravings. Pumpkin seeds also make excellent treats for birds in the garden.

Pumpkin Soup

This warming soup is the perfect way to use up leftover pumpkin puree. Add in some chicken stock (vegetable also works for non meat-eaters), diced potatoes, and spices for a hearty soup that will take the chill off any Autumn day. Add a dash of cream for a really indulgent treat. Don’t forget the crusty bread!

Pumpkin Bread

Banana bread is a classic way to use up leftover bananas, but did you know you can do the same thing with pumpkins? Simply substitute pumpkin puree for the bananas in your favourite banana bread recipe. Add in a handful of chocolate chips for an extra special treat. Bake and enjoy!

Other uses for leftover pumpkin

After Halloween, many people simply throw away the leftover pumpkin skins and stringy insides. However, these pumpkin leftovers can actually be reused in a number of ways. One option is to cut them up and add them to your compost bin. Pumpkins are rich in nutrients that will help to fertilise your garden, and they also help to add bulk to the compost. Pumpkin seeds can help to grind up other organic matter in the compost bin. So next time you have leftover pumpkins, don’t throw them away – compost them!

I hope these ideas inspire you to get creative in the kitchen with your leftovers! Pumpkins are so versatile – there are so many different ways to enjoy them beyond just pumpkin pie! What’s your favourite way to use up leftover pumpkin puree? Let us know on social media!